Terms and Conditions
This Agreement
Once a reservation is made, the guest has entered into a binding contract with Shearwater Guest House and these terms and conditions apply in full. Where a company, agency or similar has made the booking on behalf of the guest, the agreement is with that third party. Third parties should ensure that the guests are aware of these terms and conditions. This agreement applies for all bookings made after or arriving from 1st January 2021.
You should not travel if you have any concerns about your health or that of anyone travelling with you. You should not travel if requested to self-isolate by the authorities.
We will refuse entry to anyone who has been instructed to self-isolate as part of the NHS Track and Trace process. If you or anyone in your party has knowingly travelled with symptoms or in breach of the Track and Trace regulations, and Shearwater Guest House must close to guests as a result, you will be liable for the full room rate for the entire quarantine period in addition to the payment due for the booked stay. The same will apply should you book a stay with us for the purposes of self-isolation.
You should cancel your booking if within 14 days of your due check-in date you have:
Had Covid-19 symptoms check the UK Government website for more information.
Been tested positive for Covid-19.
Knowingly come into close contact with someone who has had Covid-19 symptoms or tested positive for Covid-19.
All other circumstances if you cancel less than 48 hours before arrival (or in the event of non-arrival) a full charge will be made for the first night. We also reserve the right to charge 75% of booked value for consecutive nights if we are unable to resell your room. We reserve the right to charge for unused nights in the event of an early departure.
We expect to be open and honouring all bookings for this period however if we are closed on the day you were due to arrive then you will not be charged.
If your booking is via a third-party agent, please contact them directly and they will advise on the action you should take.
If you are required to quarantine with us, you must stay in your room for the entire period. We will discuss precise arrangements with you at the time. You will be liable for the full room rate for the entire quarantine period in addition to the payment due for the booked stay. You should consider arranging travel insurance should you be concerned.
Our Responsibilities
Shearwater Guest House undertakes to provide guest accommodation in the room(s) and dates agreed in the reservation. We will ensure that our Guest House at least meets the standard as accredited by Visit England.
Arrivals and Departures
You can check in at Shearwater Guest House from 2.00 pm. If however your room is not ready you are welcome to collect your keys and leave your luggage. Please let us have your time of arrival so that we are here to welcome you. We ask that your room is vacated by 10.00 am.
Your Booking
Your booking is as contracted for the number of nights and people. You are not allowed to have additional people staying in the room over and above the number contracted (i.e., you cannot have four people sleeping in the triple room) without prior agreement. Shearwater Guest House reserves the right to charge the full rate for any such unauthorised stay and/or to terminate the booking. In this eventuality, we will levy a charge of 75% of the agreed booking fee for any unused nights.
All cancellations of accommodation must be given at least 48 hours prior to your arrival date, thereafter a full charge will be made for the first night. We also reserve the right to charge 75% of booked value for consecutive nights if we are unable to resell your room. We reserve the right to charge for unused nights in the event of an early departure.
Shearwater Guest House is unable to accommodate children under the age of 6.
Please remember that you are sharing Shearwater Guest House with other guests and with the owners - please behave accordingly. Please be aware of fellow guests if coming in extremely late or leaving early from the Guest House, and when watching TV or playing music. We reserve the right to terminate bookings if faced with unreasonable or anti-social behaviour.
We do not tolerate racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory language or behaviour and we reserve the right to terminate a booking on receipt of a complaint. Please contact the owners as soon as possible if you have an issue with the behaviour of a fellow guest.
When you book, Shearwater Guest House takes your card details to confirm the bookings, but the full amount is payable two days before arrival. We accept most cards, but we do not take cash or cheques. BACS payments and invoicing for long-term customers can be made.
In the event of a complaint, we will investigate and respond in a timely and courteous manner. Where appropriate, we will make immediate amends.
Housekeeping, Guests’ Liabilities
Shearwater Guest House is strictly no smoking accommodation. A standard cleaning charge of £50.00 per night will be levied on guests who smoke in their rooms.
We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of rectifying damage, caused by deliberate, negligent, or reckless act of the guest to Shearwaters’ property or structure. Should this damage come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit or debit card or send and invoice for the amount to the registered address. We will however make every effort to keep any costs that the guest would incur to a minimum.
We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of replacing any items that are removed from the premises by them without consent. The charge will be the full replacement amount of the missing item, including any carriage charges. Should the fat that the item is missing come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit or debit card or send and invoice for the amount to the registered address.
We reserve the right to take action against any guest found to have tampered or interfered with any fire detection equipment throughout the Guest House, including detector heads in public areas and bedrooms, break glass points and fire extinguishers. Guests found to have tampered with any fire detection or firefighting equipment will be charged with any costs incurred by the hotel due to their actions and additionally may be asked to leave the hotel. Should the fact that firefighting or detection equipment had been tampered with come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guests’ credit or debit card or send and invoice for the amount to the registered address.
Replacement Keys, umbrellas or dryers are charged at £25.oo each.
We will use our best efforts to return any items left behind by a guest after their stay but reserve the right to recoup any costs incurred by Shearwater Guest House.
For the comfort of other guests, Shearwater Guest House does not allow pets. If you have a registered assistance dog, please inform us prior to booking.
Shearwater Guest House expect your room and the front door of the property to be closed at all times. We request that all guests follow this safety and security measure. We reserve the right to refuse admission and exclude visitors from our accommodation.
We also ask that all guests read our fire notice that can be found on the inside of the door of each room.
Data Protection
Shearwater Guest House retains your contact details as an integral part of the booking process. We are required to retain your registration for a year. We will not share your information in any other way with any third party.
These Terms and Conditions were updated January 1st, 2021.